Acerca RB


Strategic Network

For those issues involving different fields of law (e.g. Labor, Civil, Antitrust, etc.), we have alliances with excellent law firms. For these purposes, the corresponding ally or law firm in Colombia renders the service which is coordinated by us.

Likewise, we have a network of law firms in the rest of Latin America and the US.


Correspondent law firm in Spain - Blanco & Silva Abogados

We have a correspondent law firm in Spain. Currently, this jurisdiction is commonly used in international tax planning involving holding companies.

Contact: Carlos Blanco Morillo

Partner, Lawyer and Economist

Lagasca 61, 2º Izquierda
28001 Madrid (Spain)
Phone: +34 91 219 63 11
Mov: +34 646 92 78 50
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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